Saturday, 20 October 2012

Elvenheim's Revival

I made this remix of "Revival", a song written by Neil Davidge (Massive Attack) for Halo 4.

I wanted to keep the spirit of the song, while adding an electronic "flair" to it.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

The Rust Factory - Progress

As you (should) know, I'm participating in this project amongst other musicians. Each musician is in charge of one part of the story. I finished my part and a preview is already available on the site.

The story has been divided into different parts, and we could chose the part we wanted to work on. After reading the story I decided to make the third part "L'incident de la Basse Plaine". It is an interesting part, a turning point in the story : calm on the beginning but soon changing into a breathtaking run after a major incident.

Check out THE RUST FACTORY. It's in french though.

See you!

Monday, 6 August 2012


My new album Wormhole is finally finished and available!

Listen to and download it here:

That was over a year of work. Initially I thought to release it around the end of 2011, but I couldn't finish it at that time. Don't get it wrong, I didn't work on it like "non-stop". I have a job, a family, I can't work on it all day.

I did some final adjustements just a few days before. A major "adjustement" was about changing the 6th track - Alcubierre Drive. Although I did the track about a year ago, it never really convinced me and I was about to take it out from the album. But then I changed completely the drums, changed the EQ, and added some kind of melody. The result is on the album.

Enjoy listening!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Underneath the ocean

I remastered my first album (never published though), Underneath the ocean from 2002.


1. underneath the ocean
2. into nowhere
3. come farer
4. down the roots
5. highway
6. flowers in NY
7. new hope
8. plastic
9. push_i
10. home
11. vital reality
12. freedom

I will try to upload one track per day (maybe I will also add more "bonus" tracks, which weren't meant to figure on the album)

UPDATE 29/07/2012 : The whole album is uploaded!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Project : The Rust Factory

I'm participating in a project called "The Rust Factory".

The project is about a story which takes place in a fictive future where industries took the leadership of almost the entire world. There are no countries anymore, but worker communities instead.

Every musician participating is in charge of one part of the history (equals to one track). I'm actually doing the third track.

More information about this project: THE RUST FACTORY

My album "Wormhole" is therefore delayed... but not cancelled!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Jamedo, what have you done?!

Since the 26th of April, Jamendo did a big update. And since... it became worse.

1. You can argue about the colour, I don't really like it. But if you think it will just be about that... Many things seem to go wrong.

2. The player is now attached on the bottom of the window and is not in a separated window as it was before. You can't see the playlist anymore either.

3. You can't comment on an album anymore. You can not rate it either. The search engine became strange, it doesn't work for me at all. Jamendo is now based on tracks only. By the way, you can't download a complete album anymore, you have to download each single track.

4. I liked to see albums from other musicians of my country, well you can't do that anymore.

5. My stats went down. Not that I had much listens, but the few I had dropped to 1 per day since Saturday the 28th. My pageviews went to 0 per day since the 24th (before the update).

My pageviews fell suddenly to 0 per day...

What happened with these statistics? This seems to be true for many other artists. I can't believe that people are not listening to music anymore (or do they as it became more difficult to search for musicians?).

I'm really searchin for something that has been improved, but I don't find anything. At least my widgets to my albums on blogger seem still to work.

Many people are also complaining on Jamendo's facebook sites. On there are only 16 people who likes the update. It's kind of few for such a big site. Too bad you cannot "dislike" it, I wonder how many people that would be.

Chef Georges explained more about it on his blog. It seems that most of the artists are putting some kind of "ultimatum" to Jamendo.

There are many who are angry about it, and I can understand them. There is a facebook page called Old Jamendo Friends the artists can join to act against this non-respect of Jamendo.

I think that Jamendo will improve their site (for the sake of everyone). If not they will shot themselves a bullet in their head.

Now I'm even more encouraged to not publish my next album for free on Jamendo...

Bye Jamendo, it was nice knowing you...

Friday, 13 April 2012

What happened on Wednesday? - RESOLVED!

Sometimes I check out my statistics on Jamendo. I was surprised when I saw this:
183 listens on one day? What?

Before, my album Winterdust was still on the first place (I don't know why though, I suspect a chinese site to refer constantly on that album). But now, things have changed:

Strolling beats Winterdust

So I suppose (because Jamendo's statistics aren't very clear) that this happened all on last Wednesday. I also saw that quite a lot of listeners were guided to my site on Jamendo from Facebook.

So, my question is : what happened on Wednesday?


I found the answer : Jamendo did a tweet that day about my album "strolling through electronic spaces".

The tweet of Jamendo:

"Shamil Elvenheim allie avec brio l'electro et l'ambient, saupoudrant le tout d'une touche de lounge et d'indus...."

Monday, 2 April 2012

Contest "AllForMusic"

Silly me...

I stumbled on this per chance. I saw a contest for musicians in the "L'Essentiel", the winner will get a free recording session for 3 tracks in a new studio in Belgium.

Not that I really wanted to record in a studio, though I gave it a try and sent a just finished track.

Now people have to vote.

It's in french:

At least I'm not the last one :)

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Sleep in Hyperspace

I did join Soundcloud. It's easier for me to share my music.

Tell me what you think about it