Thursday 18 August 2011

Greater Daemon of Khorne

I got into Warhammer around 2003-2004 thanks to my cousin. I was surprised that it was not only about miniatures but the rules of the game itself were also well done. Despite the mass of rules, difficult to remember everything, we enjoyed playing quite often on his attic.

One day I saw this beast in the White Dwarf magazine and I was fascinated: The Greater Daemon of Khorne. I do not remember when I ordered one, maybe around 2004-2005.

I started washing, cleaning and removing the seams of it, I wanted to put my best effort in. But I was uncertain about the colours. So I left it "sleeping" ... for a few years.

In 2009 I grabbed the thing out of it's box to assemble it. That's when I realized that pieces were missing, they got probably lost during the move in 2007. Those spikes were no problem, I could easily do new ones and so I started putting the Beast together. Soon I got a problem to fix it's huge wings. The plastic did not fit exactly, there were holes. I abandoned the plastic glue and I attached the wings with green stuff. That didn't just allow me to fix them, it also filled the holes. After a little sculpting you won't even notice where the wings start.

14th June 2009 : First wing attached. Looks furious!

But then I remarked another missing piece : it's jaw was not there anymore! Since Forgeworld would not send me a new one (they do not sell spare parts) I knew that I had to try plastic surgery. I continued assembling Bloddy and left that matter for later. My next step was the orientation of it's axe. The first try was not very convincing.

16th June 2009
Putting the axe above it's wing and it was fixed.

16th June 2009 - Final position of the arm
As you can see on these images, the horns kept falling off of it, I had to learn how to manipulate this monster without disassembling it to pieces again...

My next step was it's mouth, I had to rebuild the jaw. I'm not a great sculptor, but it turned out rather well. So in November 2009 he got his lower teeth. If you look carefully you can even see its tongue inside.

11th November 2009 : New jaw and spike

Here it is in it's full glory.

11th November 2009 : Isn't he beautiful?
I coated it completely black and then... there was over a year of hesitation about the colour. Khorne should be red, but that original Bloodthirster just looks horrible.

Bloodthirster from Games Workshop
It just doesnt look "natural". Even though it's a fantasy creature I have to find it credible. uncertain of how to paint him, I searched other pictures for inspiration, even painted some miniatures from "Battle Masters" in nuances of red and brown but I got never convinced. I wanted the Khorne red on it, but didn't know how to do it.

During July 2011 I finally got the idea of painting it's skin grey, and leave the armor glow in red. With this new wind in it's wings I started painting.

First layer of red on the armor.

31st July 2011
 Added then a second coat of red and a first layer of paint for metal parts and it's skin

8th August 2011

8th August 2011

Note that he is still not finished and already looks amazing!

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